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Qianhai Data Co., Ltd
our company is committed to the needs of the green economy  In recent years, my country has focused on the development of industrial and high-tech industries. Faced with the huge production scale and energy consumption, the wastes brought behind have greatly damaged the development of the environment and ecology. Therefore, the company adheres to the concept of green economy and is committed to recycling. Waste and re-extract the metal elements in it, make it useful material, and re-manufacture it to achieve the purpose of circular economy
In the past few centuries, due to various industrial activities of human beings, the earth's ecology has undergone tremendous changes, so green economy has become very important. The company knows that only through the concept of green economy can we coexist with nature. In addition to recycling waste, it can also create new value and profit for waste, and greatly reduce the problems arising from waste. The company is willing to take the responsibility of environmental protection and protect the harmonious relationship between human beings and nature.  

Qianhai Data Co., Ltd 本公司致力於绿色经济的需求, 近年来,我国以发展工业与高科技产业为重,面对庞大的生产规模以及能源的消耗,背后带来的废弃物大大破坏环境生态的发展,因此本公司秉持著绿色经济的概念,致力於回收废弃物并重新提取其中的金属元素,使之成为有用的材料,并重新加以制造生产,达到循环经济的目的


交易/付款方式:现金, ATM转帐, 电汇

主要服务地区:港澳, 大陆, 东南亚, 欧洲, 纽澳, 其他, 全国地区